
Stay Back Options for Students in Italy
International students aspiring to study in Italy have the option to stay back after the completion of their studies for up to 1 year. International students studying a course in Italy on student visa may be able to apply for permesso di attesa occupazione, which translates into temporary stay permit. This work permit permits the international students at Italian higher education institutions to live in Italy legally post the completion of their studies and search for jobs around the country for a maximum period of one year. This one year student visa extension works as a work permit for international students who wish to take up full time or part time employment in Italy after successfully completing a master’s degree or a PhD.
Part Time Jobs
This resident or work permit entitles international students coming from across the world to stay in Italy and gain vital work experience in Italy for a period of up to 1 year. Moreover, in addition to the part time work permit for 20 hours per week, the international students looking for full time employment in Italy after the completion of their studies on the Italian study visa can do for 40 hours per week for one year and then consider further extension based on the employment status.
Eligibility Requirements
If you choose to pursue a bachelor’s program, you may need proficiency in the Italian language as most of the universities offer courses in Italian. Furthermore, criteria for bachelors include a minimum of 65% in class 12th along with an IELTS score of 6 -6.5 with no individual band less than 6, that is, if a University is offering the course is English. For Master’s program, many Italian universities offer courses in English. In addition to this, portfolio is mandatory for design courses both in graduation and post-graduation. Although, the eligibility criteria might vary from university to university and course to course.
Plenty of Top Universities With An Impressive International Environment
Italy is an admired international study location not just due to its sky scraping multicultural aura, but the country also has sundry top public and private universities.The University of Bologna is an esteemed institution that marks the origin of the current Western higher education system as the oldest university in Europe. In addition to this, Bologna is on the list of top European cities that welcome the largest number of Erasmus students.
Easy Ways to Travel the Country
Italy grants you to jump a bus or train for just a few Euros to break out from the foggy or cold Milano, or from the topsy turvy Bologna, to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.Almost every big city is also magnificently connected to European and non European countries with many airports. You can comfortably travel by train, all the bigger Italian cities are interconnected with 70 plus railway stations. That makes life facile for many students that do not like travelling by car or by plane.